Drone Technology

Top Drone Software Features for Efficient Construction Projects

June 30, 2024 by Jim Gibson
Construction site orthomosaic
I love introducing prospective clients to the benefits of advanced drone software for commercial construction and seeing their excitement as they realize its potential for their projects. There’s a spark in their eyes when they understand how helpful drones can be, and you can see their minds racing with all the potential benefits. Drone software for construction progress monitoring is ...
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How Drones are Changing Building Facade Inspections

June 17, 2024 by Jim Gibson
Commercial Building Facade - SE Corner Inspection
As a Drone Service Provider (DSP) for the commercial real estate sector, we leverage advanced drone technology to offer precise and efficient facade inspections for commercial high-rise buildings. Our drones are equipped with high-resolution cameras and various sensors to capture detailed imagery and data of the building’s exterior.  We then utilize software visualization tools to aid in translating drone imagery ...
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How Drones & Software Enhance Inventory Control

February 27, 2024 by Jim Gibson
Construction Site Walk-Through
As a veteran Drone Service Provider (DSP) that specializes in construction progress monitoring, we’ve grown to appreciate just how much our commercial construction clients rely on us delivering the capabilities of generating regular stockpile measurements.  Stockpile measurements are critical for organizing and managing material and critical supplies ordering and replenishing, essential components for the ongoing production of any construction project. ...
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The Ultimate Guide to Building an Internal Construction Drone Crew

August 28, 2023 by Jim Gibson
Commercial Drone
As a seasoned professional in the drone services industry, I understand the critical role that enterprise drones play in revolutionizing the commercial construction sector. The ability to gather real-time data, monitor progress, and enhance safety measures has made drones an indispensable tool for construction project managers. If you’re considering building an internal construction drone crew, here are a few key ...
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Drones Impact on the Construction Industry’s Top Challenges

August 3, 2023 by Jim Gibson
Image of Commercial Real Land
We are witnessing firsthand the transformative power of drone technology in revolutionizing some of the biggest challenges in today’s construction industry.  In this blog post, I’ll delve into the five most significant challenges that construction companies face in 2023 and beyond and demonstrate how drones can be the ultimate cost effective solution to overcome these hurdles and pave the way ...
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Why Telecom Managers Use Drones for Cellular Tower Inspections

March 15, 2023 by Jim Gibson
Image of Cellular Tower Scaled
Cellular technology manager’s primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and reliability of cell towers. Regular cell tower drone inspections are crucial to identify and address any potential problems before they become major issues that can impact network performance and safety. While traditional tower inspections are still commonly used, the use of drones has become increasingly popular due to their ...
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What is an Orthomosaic?

June 17, 2022 by Jim Gibson
Image of Glendale Adventist Elevation With Structures E
Most people are well aware that drones have cameras and can take photos and videos while in flight.  But few outside the industry realize just how useful those pictures and videos can be for a variety of business, real estate, agriculture, construction, insurance and more.   Drones are capable of highly technical data collection using a variety of on-board technology, ...
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