Why Telecom Managers Use Drones for Cellular Tower Inspections

Image of Cellular Tower Scaled

Cellular technology manager’s primary responsibility is to ensure the safety and reliability of cell towers. Regular cell tower drone inspections are crucial to identify and address any potential problems before they become major issues that can impact network performance and safety. While traditional tower inspections are still commonly used, the use of drones has become increasingly popular due to their ability to save time, money and improve human safety.

Drone Inspections Save Time

Using drones for cell tower inspections can significantly save time. Drone inspections can be completed much faster than traditional inspections, as they can quickly cover the entire tower without needing to set up complex rigging or scaffoldings. In addition, drones can capture high-quality images and video footage of the tower, allowing for more detailed analysis and faster identification of potential issues. This means that the inspection process can be completed quickly, and any necessary repairs or maintenance can be performed in a timely manner, reducing downtime for the network.

Image of Cellular Tower X

Modern cellular or PCS base station

Drones Improve Cost Savings

Using drones for cell tower inspections can also save money. Traditional inspections can be expensive, requiring specialized equipment and skilled technicians. Drone inspections are more cost-effective as they require fewer personnel and resources to complete the inspection process. Additionally, drone inspections can identify issues early, which can reduce the cost of repairs and maintenance in the long run.

Ensure Worker Safety

Finally, using drones for cell tower inspections can also improve human safety. Typical cellular towers (or PCS Base Stations) range from 50-200 feet.  Traditional inspections often require technicians to climb the tower, which can be a hazardous task. Drones can eliminate the need for technicians to climb the tower, reducing the risk of accidents and injuries. This is especially important in remote or hard-to-reach locations, where the risk of accidents can be even higher.

In conclusion, cell tower inspections are critical for ensuring the safety and reliability of cellular networks. The use of drones for these inspections offers significant benefits, including time and cost savings, as well as improved human safety. Cellular technology managers are constantly exploring and adopting new technologies like drones to ensure that their networks remain safe, reliable, and cost-effective.

From The Editor:

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Jim Gibson