4 Ways Drones Impact the Construction Industry

Image of Dji Scaled

Worker Safety

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Construction Safety is a Priority

  • There were 1,102 work-related fatalities in the construction industry in 2019.  The most important asset in every company is the people they have working for them.  Losing a valuable member of a team can lead to decreased morale, concerns about safety, coworkers quitting because of concerns with safety and a huge financial impact of possible lawsuits and replacing valuable members of your team.
  • Drones in construction can help reduce the risk of accidents and increase the level of safety and accountability around a construction site.  Drones can be used to photograph, map and 3D model a construction site to help monitor potential hazards and identify equipment in hazard locations.
  • A key safety element of using drones is the operators themselves.  Drone teams consist of licensed and insured pilots as well as skilled visual observers.  Together, drone pilot led teams help to minimize cost, increase safety and reduce the overall time to convey critical real-time data.

Saving Money

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Drone Building Facade Inspection

  • Drones can save a construction company millions of dollars on a construction site through multiple drone use cases.  These include site photos, 2D orthophotos and 3D models, LIDAR Maps, time-lapse videos, promotional videos, visual timelines.  These can all be done at a fraction of the cost just 10 years ago, thanks to the extensive array of tools drones can carry to help the construction industry.
  • Construction companies have found that a 2 –3-week process and several tens of thousands of dollars cost has become a 1 day process when working with a licensed and certified drone service provider.  When you’re looking at dramatic 75 percent or greater cost and time improvement, it’s really powerful,” said Hunter Cole, Brasfield and Gorrie General Contractors.

Improvement to Infrastructure

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An orthomosaic is a great way to capture close to real time construction progress updates

  • When civil engineers are tasked with improving the value and infrastructure of a certain property, they need to survey the property several times.  This is where drones can help by surveying the land quickly and precisely and at a much lower cost than traditional surveying techniques.
  • When construction companies look at large projects that are floated by government organizations of public institutions, using drones to survey and understand the complexities beforehand can provide intelligence that can help create and submit the most comprehensive and competitive bid.

Audits and Inspections

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Construction Workers Face Dangerous Situations

  • Drones are unique in where they can be operated with or without human interaction.  Drones can be operated by humans when they need to help with audits – where a qualified drone inspector or professional can survey the land or property as per guidelines, standards or requirements set out by a governing body.
  • Drones can also be programed to fly from a sheltered home-base and fly the same routes, the same time of day or week.  This can help to make sure that the property isn’t being tampered with and that the project is progressing to scope.  This can save a construction company hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially in reduced theft, phase audits and work certification costs.
  • In summary, construction companies have been using drones for construction progress monitoring, planning and marketing for years now, but with continued advancement in drone capabilities, the impact of drones to the construction industry continue to streamline time and cost as well as worker safety issues factors.

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Joe Eder
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